Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Training Trip - Day 52

A “cold’ front came through last night, brought a few showers with it and cooled it off a little while we slept. 

It was back to baseball today, so we travelled over to Clearwater to see the Phillies play the Baltimore Orioles. We had seats in the sun again but it was a little cooler (76 degrees) with somewhat lower humidity. It was a “split squad” game – the Phillies also sent players to an away game in Lakeland, Fl against the Detroit Tigers. So a few of the starting players were not playing in Clearwater today and a number of low minor leaguers were brought in for the day to act as substitutes in the late innings. The size of the major league team roster has also been reduced as the start of the season approaches. There are still extra players trying to make the team however, and the final cuts should be made this week as the opening day roster is decided upon. The game ended in a 10 inning tie, 3-3 (they seldom play more than 10 innings in a spring training game).

We stopped on the way back to the RV and got a pizza for dinner. It is a pleasant evening in the RV park with a nice breeze, much lower humidity, and cooler. There are three more games to go -Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; we head for home next Sunday.

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