Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Training Trip - Day 70

We left Edwards about 7:30 am under clear skies, cool temperatures and a moderate cross wind.  As we headed west over Tehachapi Pass we had our last dose of wind; when we descended into Bakersfield in the San Joaquin Valley and headed north, the winds died down and the skies darkened.  The rain started just south of Fresno and we had a pretty good thunderstorm before it cleared somewhat as we continued up the valley.  We hit rain again in Modesto, and then it was partly cloudy until we reached Nevada City about 4:30 pm.  It was raining hard as we unloaded the RV and consequently, we left it parked in the street by the driveway.

It started raining hard when we went to bed and we awoke in the morning there was about an inch or so of snow on the ground.  It melted quickly, however, and we spent the day unpacking, putting stuff away and unwinding from a long and enjoyable trip.  We had a lot of fun, drove a lot of miles, used a lot of overpriced gas and avoided any major weather issues or mechanical problems with the RV.

It was an outstanding trip but is great to be home!

Day 70 Pictures

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