Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Florida Spring Training Trip 2016 - Day 60

We left the Shulenburg RV Park this morning about 9:30 am after getting ice at the nearby quick stop.  The weather was overcast as a mostly dry cold front was moving through.  On the way to San Antonio we had a few sprinkles and it remained cloudy.  After San Antonio, the skies cleared as the front moved passed. Alas, the winds also came up and we experienced a pretty good crosswind from the north for the next few hundred miles.  It was definitely a "two-hands-on-the wheel' driving day for almost 400 miles.

We are staying at the Fort Stockton RV Park.  We have stayed here several times on previous trips and it is a great stop while travelling through West Texas.  They also have an excellent cafe at the park that specializes in home-cooked country ribs and biscuits and gravy for breakfast.  We will be here for two nights, primarily to break-up the long daily drives on our return return trip.  We will also use the time to visit a couple of historical attractions in Fort Stockton and do a few things around the RV.

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