Sunday, May 29, 2016

Nebraska/Utah Trip 2016 - Day 14

More soccer today -  Isabelle's team had two games.  The first one was this morning at 9:30 am and the second one was at 6:00 pm.  They won the first game and lost the second one by 1-0.  The team that beat them this afternoon is a Colorado team and both teams have the same tournament record and point differential so they will meet in the championship game for their age group division tomorrow morning.

The weather was great for the morning game  but the afternoon game was threatened  by typical Rockies east slope thunderstorms this time of year.  Thankfully, the storms missed the sports complex and there were no weather delays.  The wind did pick-up however and it cooled down considerably.

Between games we all went to a nearby Panera and had a nice lunch.

Isabelle's team was disappointed they didn't win their second game today but are looking forward to beating the same team tomorrow.

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