Monday, June 6, 2016

Nebraska/Utah 2016 Trip - Day 22

We got another early start today, leaving the Ely KOA about 8:15 AM.  US Highway 50 gets my vote for "The Loneliest Highway in America".  The road was virtually empty as we headed west over long stretches of straight and level high desert roads between hills and over and around mountain ridges including 8 or 9 summits ranging from 4,500 ft to 7,900 ft.. It was an interesting ride and not the terrain you might imagine to be representative of Nevada.  We made good time however and passed through a couple of just-barely-hanging-on towns, national forest and BLM lands, two people riding horses, a few cows along the way, but other than that, only a lot of empty space.

We arrived at Fallon Naval Air Station, near Fallon, NV around 1:00 PM and are staying at the base RV park.  The RV park is pretty basic.  There are concrete pads with full hook-ups and that is about it.  The park is in an open field with no trees, but there is a laundromat in the park that is convenient, as Judy is doing laundry this afternoon.

The base is a naval aviation training base and home to the Navy's "Top Gun" fighter pilot training school.  The base appears small and the facilities look a little dated.  Apparently the base is scheduled to expand to accommodate some joint service training functions, and there appears to be substantial construction here.

We will be traveling to Marin tomorrow for Judy's medical appointments in San Francisco on Wednesday.  We usually get to meet Kevin for dinner at a Sausalito restaurant on at least one of the evenings we spend in the SF area.  After that, we will head home by way of the Napa and Alexander Valleys where we will spend a few days before arriving home on Sunday, June 12th.

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