Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spring Training Trip - Day 12

It was another quiet day in San Diego.  Judy had an upset stomach and a gastric reaction, most likely from lunch at the Mexican restaurant yesterday.  Consequently, she pretty much didn’t feel like doing much of anything today and stayed in bed until early afternoon.  She didn’t sleep much last night so the extra rest helped a lot. 

Dick and Susan and Dennis and Julie went down to the harbor area this afternoon, did some shopping, and made reservations at a nice restaurant for dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  Judy was feeling a lot better this afternoon, so we decided to meet them for dinner.  We had an excellent meal and afterwards had dessert back at Dick and Susan’s RV.  It was early to bed and hopefully we will be reenergized for tomorrow’s activities.

It rained fairly hard all night but cleared up by mid morning and was mostly sunny the rest of the day.  There are more showers forecast for tomorrow, but the temperature has remained in the low to mid 60’s despite the unsettled weather and rain showers we are experiencing here.

Day 12 Pictures

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