Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 53

We left Bayou Wilderness RV Park this morning with a little fog in the air.  After filling up with gas nearby ($2.01 per gallon), we got on the road heading west on I-10 about 8:45 am.  We had a number of fairly large cities to go through today: Lake Charles, LA, Beaumont TX, and Houston, TX. Houston was really special as it stretches out into several suburbs without specific definition in all directions.  A two-lane closure in the middle of town due to a truck fire in addition to the normal big city lunchtime traffic slowed us down for quite a while, and extended our time going through town.  When we finally made it through Houston it was a straight shot to San Antonio although it was a “two-hands-on the wheel” trip due to a south crosswind.  We finally arrived at Traveller’s RV Park in San Antonio about 5:30 pm.

The park is very nice and very close to the downtown tourist attractions.  We decided to take a guided tour tomorrow for an overview of eight major tourist attractions (Alamo, River Boat Ride, missions, etc.).  It should be fun and a nice break for the road trip home.

No pictures today, we’ll post some of the RV park and the tour attractions tomorrow.

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