Saturday, April 4, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 56

We got a fairly early start this morning, leaving Fort Stockton after getting gas by 8:30 am.

We had the road virtually to ourselves, just a few trucks and hardly any cars until I-20 from Dallas met I-10 just east of Van Horn, TX.  The traffic picked-up a little after that, but really wasn’t too bad.  The skies were overcast and we had a pretty good 15 mph tailwind out of the east for the first part of the trip.  As we turned NW towards El Paso, it became a bit of a crosswind and more of a problem for the last 50 miles from El Paso north to Las Cruces.  It was a fairly short leg today (300 miles) so we arrived about 12:30 pm MST as we gained an hour along the way.

After arriving at the Hacienda RV Resort in Las Cruces, we were met by two resident baby ducks who welcomed us to New Mexico.  Momma duck was nowhere in sight, so hopefully they made it home before the coyotes, owls and/or hawks noticed them wandering around the RV park unescorted.

We then ate a late lunch at a nearby Cracker Barrel restaurant, stopped for a few supplies and retired to the RV for the evening.  We are eating in this evening and going to bed early to rest up for our next leg to Phoenix tomorrow.

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