Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Florida Spring Training Trip 2016 - Day 18

We made it through the night O.K. The winds were very strong all night behind the very powerful cold front that moved through the area yesterday (I am estimating 40 mph + throughout the night).  As the wind was out of the west and we are parked facing north, we got the brunt of a direct crosswind.  We brought in the RV slideout, went to bed and held-on. The RV rocked quite a bit and the vent covers on top were rattling, but nothing blew away. Perhaps surprisingly, the power never went off and the cable TV and Internet still worked throughout it all.

The winds are still strong this morning, but not as strong as last night. The skies are clear and it is still windy but better than yesterday.  We are going to spend  another night here and let things east get somewhat back to normal. We are lucky we were here when the storm arrived and not further east. It looks like southern Louisiana, Missisippi, and the Florida panhandle all got hit pretty hard. They got the same wind and rain we did along with damaging tornadoes that didn't develop here.

We're probably not going to do anything special today, but we'll see how the day develops.

As it turned out, we didn't do anything else today.  It remained clear and windy, but not as strong as yesterday (maybe 10-15 mph).  We just rested, although we did have to move the RV one site over as someone else was coming in that had reserved the site we were in.

We go on to Lafayette, LA tomorrow.

Here a few additional pictures in the RV park:

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