Monday, February 29, 2016

Florida Spring Training Trip 2016 - Day 23

Our site at Bay Bayou RV park is still occupied, but we were able to get another site for tonight. So, we will be leaving Crystal Isles RV Park this morning for a 1:00 pm check in at Bay Bayou.. 

It was an easy one-and-a-half hour drive to the Bayou RV Park in Oldsmar.  When we arrived, the people in our site starting tomorrow were still there so we checked into another site for the night.

We went out for lunch, then Judy did the laundry and I got the truck washed and shopped for groceries.  We will not be able to "Build our Nest" until we get into our site so we are still sort of configured for traveling.

Tomorrow, we will be meeting Eileen, Linda and Sharyn at the ball park for the official kick-off of the Phillies Spring Training season with the Tampa Bay Rays  After the game, we are all going out for dinner.  Sharyn will be staying the night with us in the RV and I'll be driving her to the Tampa Airport early Wednesday morning for her return flight to Sacramento.

No pictures today; we'll catch up after we get settled.

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