Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 64

We are still waiting for the truck to be repaired.  The latest estimate is tomorrow afternoon.  We were hoping for today, but they are still working on  it.

Judy did the laundry this morning and I worked on breaking down our outside arrangements and getting  everything loaded up.  All we have to do now is unhook, load the truck, get gas in the RV and top off the propane.  We will also have to pick up the truck when ready and return the rental car.

We had lunch at Steak-and Shake (24 meals under $4.00) and Judy made shrimp fried rice for dinner.  We made a batch of sangria for dinner last night and finished it up with dinner tonight. We also had ice cream for desert with raspberries and chocolate sauce.

We are getting the RV washed on-site tomorrow morning and will get a few food supplies for the return trip while waiting for the truck.  Hopefully everything goes as planned and we can get on the road Thursday morning.

We are ready to head home.

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