Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Nebraska Trip 2017 - Day 12

We got another early start today leaving the RV park about 7:30 am.  It was another easy drive, 6 hours to Winnemucca, NV with a stop in Wendover, UT along the way.  As the whole area is under a huge high pressure area, there was no wind again but hot.  When we arrived in Winnemucca about 12:30 PM local (We gained an hour and are now back in the Pacific Time Zone) the temperature was in the high 90's and is expected to hit 100 before the day is over.

We are staying at a nice KOA RV park but are not going to partake of the activity opportunities in the park or unhook and go into downtown and gamble, drink beer and play pool or something.  It will be early to bed after dinner in the RV and another early start if we can.

We should be home early tomorrow afternoon and ready to get back to normal, whatever that is.

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