Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Nebraska Trip 2017 - Day 5

We got on the road about 9:00 am under clear skies with lots of wind all the way to Lincoln. There was a steady 10-20 mph crosswind from the south making the drive a stressful "two-hands-on-the-wheel" 225 mile event.  We made it O.K. though and arrived at the Camp-A-Way RV resort in Lincoln around 1:30 pm.  It is a nice park.  We stayed here last year and had an enjoyable visit.

After getting settled in, I ran a few errands and got the truck washed.  We then went over to Brian and April's house at 5:30 pm and joined up with our daughter Karin and our grandson Nick who flew in to Omaha and drove up to Lincoln.  We all then went out to dinner at a Mongolian BBQ place.  We have eaten there before and we had another great meal.

Karin and Nick will be staying with us in the RV while they are here. Brian's award ceremony will be tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm.  We are all having dinner before the ceremony at a restaurant near the historic Cornhusker Hotel in downtown Lincoln where the ceremony will be held. The ceremony will also recognize and swear in the new class of police academy graduates.

There are no plans for tomorrow other than dinner and the ceremony, so we'll see what happens.  Karin and Nick will be leaving on Thursday and we will be staying until Friday before heading home via Yellowstone and Teton National Parks.

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