Saturday, March 3, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 27

It was another "clunker" today.  The Phillies didn't even have a hit until the 8th inning and lost 4-2.  The regulars played most of the game and didn't have much to show for it.  Even though it is still early, they need to start hitting.  The pitchers also need to start pitching better.  Other than that, they are doing O.K.  This is going to be a strange season with a whole new coaching staff and a lot of young players with plenty of "potential".  Whether or not all that works out or not remains to be seen.

There were also a lot of Philadelphia Eagle fans (and Phillie fans) at the game regularly chanting Eagle cheers.  They even had an Eagle player, Torrey Smith, throw out the first ball.  It is hard to appreciate from afar how passionate Eagle fans are and how they feel about winning the Super Bowl after so many years.  For many, it was a "bucket list" event.

After the game iwe made a stop at Walmart then dinner in the RV.  I grilled steaks outside and we had an excellent dinner before retiring for the evening.

It is going to be a busy baseball week starting with games tomorrow and Monday before our next day off on Tuesday.

The expected cold front came through, dropping the temperatures to the mid 70's and breezy.  After record-setting temperatures in the 80's for the last month, everyone down here is ready for a return to seasonable temperatures and humidity levels.  This weather pattern is expected to continue for awhile.  We are not complaining although we need an extra layer at the games as we get a pretty good breeze when the wind is out of the north as it will be for the next few days.

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