Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 31

The front came through as advertised.  It started raining late last night and it was gone by morning.  When it cleared, the skies were sunny but it was a lot cooler and windy.

Before the game we had breakfast at Lenny's, an iconic restaurant for Phillies fans just down the street from the ballpark.  I had the "Redneck Benedict" again - two poached eggs, home fries, sausage, and biscuits and gravy.  It was only about 3,000 calories and not the most healthy breakfast, but once a year may be O.K.

The game today, against Boston was challenging.  The temperature never got above 69 degrees and the wind was at least 10-15 out of the north - right in our faces where we sit.  We were bundled up with sweat shirts and jackets but it was still chilly, relatively speaking.

The game was a win for the Phillies, 2-1.  Boston only brought a few regulars and they played against the Phillies regulars, so the win must be kept in perspective, although the Phillies pitching was pretty good today.

No baseball tomorrow.  We are going to relax around the RV, get caught-up with a few things and meet Eileen and Linda for dinner tomorrow evening.  They are going to see the Yankees and Phillies play in Tampa tomorrow and are staying in Clearwater tomorrow night.

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