Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Spring Training 2023 - Day 51

 An interesting day today.

Judy continues to progress in her recovery. Improvement is slight but seems to be steady as the antibiotics treating her Pneumonia kick in.  It is still going to take some time before she is well and ready to travel.

We also had an incident back home early this am (2:00 am).  Two cars, one apparently following the other, missed the turn at the bottom of our street (Black Oak Dr,) went airborne into our property with one landing at the bottom of the driveway and catching fire. Our son Kevin, who is at the house, is dealing with the aftermath. Another day in the hood.

Oh, going home from then hospital the truck would not start.  I left the headlights on when I arrived at the hospital this morning.  It was then a AAA call for a jump start to get back to the RV.

Tomorrow will be better.

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