Wednesday, June 23, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 16 - June 22, 2021

Rain was in the forecast for today and it disrupted the schedule.

The plan was for another beach day followed by a picnic dinner at a local park (Sunset Lake Park) and to watch the sunset over the Bay/Atlantic.  Apparently, you can do that from here at the southern tip of NJ.

As the forecast had a 90% probability, it was decided to reschedule the picnic dinner at the lake.  Some tried to go to the beach, but it was closed due to thunder and lightning in the area.

We decided to do laundry and got that all done before the rains came in early afternoon.  It was a frontal passage  - not a lot of wind and the embedded thunderstorms and lightning missed the immediate area.  There was a lot of rain however, but it all passed by 5:00 pm.

Our plan B for dinner was potluck at the main group house followed by a board game called “Mind the Gap”.  It was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time.

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