Monday, June 14, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 8 - June 14, 2021

It was a bit of a strange day today.  We got on the road at the normal time around 8:30 am – 9:00 am but it seemed to take awhile to get locked in to the travel mode. The terrain in Indiana was about the same as where we have been.  Lots of Ag (more corn) and the road about the same.  I have to say however, the Interstate roads in Indiana are the worst we have seen so far.

We had stayed a little bit west of Indianapolis so we went around the city on the southern loop and picked up I-70E at the east end.  I was impressed with the size of the city and traffic there.  It is really a big city and a major transportation hub.  About 6 or 7 Interstate loops and roads intersect there.  As we moved east there were also definitely more people on the road.

We had pretty good wind again but a tailwind and it wasn’t a problem.  The problem was a lot of construction, lane closures/compressions and delays.  There was also a major delay due to a bad accident up ahead of us.  We probably lost about and an hour or so just clearing all the delays.

We also stopped at another nice rest area in Ohio for lunch.

Another challenge was driving through Columbus this afternoon.  Lots of downtown construction and nothing we recognized from our time there in the 60’s.  We are staying about 30 miles east of the city at a nice KOA at Buckeye Lake.

Harrisburg, PA tomorrow then two days (our travel flex time) to figure out what to do next before our scheduled arrival in Cape May, NJ.  We have a few minor RV issues we want to get fixed but are having trouble finding anyone to do that.  RV service centers are slammed, saying they are short of help and booking appointments two months out.  There are also lots of people in motion coming out of the COVID thing, and it is approaching the peak travel/recreation time.

Just as an aside.  Not many people we have come in contact with at truck stops, gas stations, and RV parks are wearing masks.  Ready or not, it appears people are moving towards their accepted risk tolerance.

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