Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Orleans/FL Trip (Day 34) - At Sea

With our last island behind us, the ship headed back last evening towards Ft. Lauderdale. We slept in and didn’t do too much other than eat and enjoy a casual day on-board the ship.

Dinner tonight was the last formal (dress-up) event on the cruise. Some people wore tuxedoes and formal dinner gowns, but most people (us included) were not that formal and wore suits and nice dresses. We had a great dinner again, and lobster was the main dinner entrée selection. Towards the end of dinner, the entire dining room staff including all the head waiters, waiters, assistant waiters, wine stewards and cooks, etc. marched through the dining room as a group waving towels and singing (in about 82 different languages). The head dining room manager thanked everyone for coming on the cruise and everyone responded with a great round of applause for the staff. We then had a special dessert – Baked Alaska to top-off a great meal.

After dinner we went to the show in the main theater. It was sort of a grand finale production by the cruise singers and dancers. There are about twelve of them – all young, energetic, and excellent performers. They were accompanied by the house band (about a dozen or so musicians) also very good. The show was called “Remix” and included several Rock/Pop production numbers with international themes. It was very well done and was a great way to wrap-up the major cruise events.

When we returned to our stateroom, we again had another “Towel Origami” experience. We still cannot figure out how they do that.

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