Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Orleans/FL Trip (Day 37) - Tampa, FL

I wasn’t feeling much better in the morning, so I decided, with Judy’s encouragement, to go to an urgent care center and get an antibiotic to treat the sinus infection. We found a “Doc-In-A-Box” urgent care center nearby that caters to Snowbirds. The doctor confirmed a sinus infection and prescribed a “Z-Pack” antibiotic that I picked up at a CVS/Pharmacy across the street. We then returned to the RV and rested and did laundry at the RV park laundry center. After resting into the afternoon, we left for the Phillies/Atlanta Braves game in the Orlando area about 4:30 pm.

The game was played at the Braves Spring Training Stadium at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Center in the Disney World Complex south of Orlando at Kissimmee, FL. According to the GPS it was 74 miles away - about an hour and a half drive. The game was scheduled to start at 7:00 pm, so by leaving at 4:30 pm we thought we would have plenty of time to get there. What we and the GPS didn’t know however, was the impact of Tampa Bay rush hour traffic and the time it would take to get into the ESPN complex, park the car, and walk into the park. All this added an hour to the trip and by the time we got seated, we missed the first inning.

The park is new and looks pretty much like a major league ball park. It has seating for about 20,000 people and all were filled. There were a lot of Phillies fans there along with a lot of hometown Braves fans. The game had the feel of a regular season with a lot of vocal fan interaction. We had great seats right behind home plate on the Phillies side, near the dugout and 4 rows back. We decided to leave in the bottom of the 8th inning after all the regular players left the game. We then had an unforeseen delay when we wandered around the wrong parking lot for about 30 minutes looking for the car. The ride back was much quicker and uneventful. We got back to the RV park around midnight and went to bed right away after a long and tiring day.

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