Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Orleans/FL Trip (Day 46) - Edwards AFB, CA – Nevada City, CA

We broke camp for the last time on this trip and departed Edwards about 7:30 am for home.

The skies were clear and we had an easy drive over the Tehachapi Mountains to Bakersfield then north on Highway 99. After driving up the San Joaquin for what like an eternity (the last miles are always the hardest) we arrived in Grass Valley about 3:30 pm. We decided to park the RV at the Nevada County Fairgrounds for the night and take our time to unload and straighten things up in the RV.

It was great to be home! Everything was in order in the house, the weather was great, and there were sure signs of spring in the area.

It was certainly a trip of a lifetime and a memorable experience - 13 states, Mardi Gras, The Florida Keys, The Dry Tortugas, a Reunion Cruise, 5 Caribbean Islands, 2 Spring Training Baseball games, and 6300 miles driven in the RV towing the VW Bug. Whew!

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