Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jazz Fest Trip - Day 6

Before we headed east this morning, we decided to go back to Dyess AFB to take a closer look at the vintage airplanes lining the roadway from the main gate into the base.  It is called the "Dyess AFB Linear Air Park" and is one of the best displays of restored aircraft I have seen on any air force base.  At the main gate, there are representative aircraft of the base's current mission (a B-1 bomber and a C-130 cargo aircraft).  Then down one side of the roadway are clusters of different types of aircraft displayed by mission and era.  For example one section has Strategic Air Command  aircraft, another has Vietnam era aircraft, then WW II, etc.  Each section is connected by a walking trail and individual plaques describe the aircraft.

After leaving the air base we returned to the campground, hooked up the VW to the RV and headed east. We had a much shorter drive today and the wind and blowing dust had just about subsided. 

We arrived in Canton, TX in the early afternoon and set-up at a very nice campground, the Mill Creek RV Resort.  It is just down the street from downtown Canton where the First Monday Trade Days start tomorrow.  We will browse the gigantic flea market tomorrow and Friday, then continue our journey east.  We are not near any of the severe weather areas and the forecast for the next few days is sunny with temperatures in the mid 80's.


We had dinner at a local BBQ place tonight (it was excellent) and plan to sleep in a little before the flea market adventure tomorrow.

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