Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jazz Fest Trip - Day 9

Today was a long travel day.

We left Canton, TX about 7:45 am under cloudy skies.  The trip east along I-20 was long and uneventful and we arrived in Meridian, MS around 4:00 pm.  The skies cleared as we headed east and and it was sunny when we got here.

Our high school friends Paula and Dallas Smith who live in Alexandria, AL (about 2 1/2 hours NE of here), had already arrived in their RV.  After talking awhile, we went out to dinner at the local Cracker Barrel restaurant nearby and had a very good Southern "comfort food" dinner. 

We are going out to breakfast together tomorrow morning (Cracker Barrel again) and then will drive to Monroeville, AL to see the local production of "To Kill A Mockingbird".  It will take about 2:30 hrs to drive there in the VW.  The show starts at 5:00 pm tomorrow evening and we will drive back to the RV park in Meridian after the show is over.  It will be long day, but we will have a short drive to New Orleans on Monday.

The RV park is nothing special, but it has all the amenities we need and is close to the road we need to take to Monroeville. Also, we will not be spending a lot of time there and it is not very expensive.

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