Monday, May 9, 2011

Jazz Fest Trip - Day 18

We left New Orleans about 9:00 am and had a leisurely 2:30 hr drive west on I-10 to Lafayette, LA, our first stop on the trip home.

We are staying at the Bayou Wilderness RV Resort, an RV park on the eastern outskirts of town.  It is a nice park with plenty of space to spread out and is not very full at the moment.  The area around the park should also be a lot quieter than downtown New Orleans.  The weather is hot and humid and we have been running the air conditioner in the RV since we got here.

After we set-up we decided to go out for lunch. We found an award-winning Cajun restaurant nearby called Prejean's. The food was excellent, I had the crawfish enchiladas, and Judy had a half muffaletta sandwich and a cup of seafood gumbo.

We then did a short drive-around Lafayette. The downtown was very quiet. The city is the home of The University of Louisiana - Lafayette, the "Raging Cajuns" but we didn't see a lot of activity anywhere. After a stop at the grocery store, we returned to the RV to rest a little after a really busy week.

A lttle later, we went to the nearby town of Beaux Bridge to check out the boat ramp where we will meet a tour guide tomorrow who will take us on a swamp boat tour of Bayou Teche . They say there will be no mosquitos on the swamp tour, but we'll see.

We then ate dinner at a famous Cajun restaurant in Beaux Bridge. The restaurant is Mulate's and is billed as "the original Cajun restaurant". It is open every day from 11:00 am to "whenever". They also have live Cajun music each evening, 7 days per week. The food was heavy on the fried side and lots of it; very good and very filling but not something you could eat every day. The music was also good and attracted a lot of dancers during dinner. I think there must be a Cajun band member in every family down here. I suspect most of them do it for fun and have a day job to pay the bills.

We are also planning on visiting "Vermilionville" tomorrow, a Cajun folk life and cultural center in Lafayette that apparently tells the story of Cajun history, culture, and activities in southern Louisiana. We will be here until Thursday and our plans for Wednesday are still to be determined but we may travel to New Iberia and Avery Island, about 30 miles south of Lafayette. There appear to be a number of attractions in that area that sound interesting.

It also looks like we will be clear of any flooding in this area as the Mississippi River flood crest moves down the river and flood gates are opened to relieve pressure on the New Orleans levees. We are keeping our eye on the situation however.

Monday Pictures - Lafayette, LA

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