Friday, May 20, 2011

Jazz Fest Trip - Day 29

We had a 9:30 am reservation to tour the Palatki Red Cliffs Heritage Site,west of Sedona on a washboard dirt road six miles off the highway.  The cultural site, in a remote box canyon (rincon), is on USFS land and entry is controlled by rangers and volunteer guides.

The site is the ancesteral lands of the Singua Native Americans who arrived in this Red Rock country about AD 650 and flourished between AD 1150 and AD 1250,when they left the area and were replaced by Apache and other Indian tribes. There is also documented evidence at the site that various groups of people have lived in this area for almost 6,000 years.

The major attarctions of the site are an extensive display of pictographs (images painted on the cliff walls) dating from the Singua era and earlier as well as the remains of cliff dwellings in and under the overhanging red rock cliffs.  Despite the difficulty getting to the site, it was well worth the trip and, once again, the views in every direction were spectacular.

After getting back on paved road , it was time for lunch.  We decided to go back to the same place where we had lunch yesterday (Wildflower Bakery) and had another excellent meal.

After lunch, we drove to the Sedona airport, on top of a mesa in the center of town, and had a few more excellent scenic views.  After a stop at Safeway for a few things, we headed back to the RV and called it a day.  Judy did a last load of laundry and we went out to an early dinner at a brew pub in the shopping complex we went to yesterday (Tlaqueque).

We leave for Nelllis AFB in Las Vegas, NV in the morning, then a long ride home on Sunday.

Friday Pictures - Sedona

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