Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jazz Fest Trip - Day 27

Today was an interesting travel day.  We got an early start, leaving the RV park in Santa Fe about 7:45 am driving south on I-25 from Santa Fe to Albuquerque, then west on I-40.  It was an easy ride until mid-morning, then the winds came up out of the SW, and driving became a major challenge, definitely a "two hands on the wheel" drive.  The en route forecast was for 'isolated thunderstorms".  About half-way to Flagstaff, we hit the thunderstorms and the rain  lasted on-and-off the rest of way.  In fact, when we arrived in Flagstaff, it was snowing (not sticking).  We then headed south on I-17 in Flagstaff towards Sedona.  Flagstaff is about 7,000 feet elevation and weather is usually an issue traveling through this area.  A little ways south of town, we encountered hail.  The road was covered and we saw three accidents in about ten minutes.

There are two ways to get to Sedona.  The shorter road goes over the mountains but is very winding and vehicles over 30 feet are not recommended.  The other route goes south a little  further on I-17 then heads back north about 14 miles to Sedona.  With the weather the way it was, we took the longer, but easier route.

Sedona is a beautiful spot in between imposing and spectacular red rock formations.  The varied colors and huge formations rival those in the Grand Canyon that we saw two years ago. When we arrived about 4:30 pm we were still experiencing off-and-on rain (mostly on).  The RV park is very nice and we are backed up to a beautiful creek (Oak Creek) that runs past the park and through town.  After a very long drive in difficult conditions, we decided to eat in, so we ordered pizza that was delivered to the RV.

We will sleep in tomorrow and then explore the town and the surrounding area.

Wednesday Pictures - Santa Fe, NM to Sedona, AZ

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