Thursday, March 6, 2014

Florida Spring Training Trip - Day 10

As forecasted, it rained today.  When we woke up this morning it was overcast and raining. Judy woke up this morning not feeling very good - lots of congestion, coughing and a sore throat, so we found an urgent care center in Clearwater and went there to get her checked out. Sure enough, a real doctor at the center diagnosed a sinus infection and prescribed antibiotics. After getting the medication at CVS/Pharmacy, we decided to go to Lenny's again, this time for lunch.  As was our breakfast, the lunch was excellent, real Philadelphia food.

As the day progressed, the weather got worse. The rain was really coming down and the area was under a tornado warning.  We didn't consider the game today could be played under these conditions and were not planning to attend anyway since Judy was sick.  However, the weather began to clear after lunch as we were on the way back to the hotel.  After arriving, I called the park and discovered the game had only been delayed and was scheduled to start at 2:30 pm. Judy was feeling pretty good, so I decided to drive back to the park while Judy rested at the hotel.  I arrived there in the bottom of the 2nd inning and conditions were actually O.K. by then - 70 degrees and partly cloudy.  The Phillies were playing the Yankees and played pretty well (3 home runs) and had the lead until 2nd string pitchers blew the lead in the 7th and 8th innings and ending up losing 4-3.

We are moving from the hotel to the condo in Dunedin tomorrow.  We have had a good time here but are looking forward to the next phase of the adventure.

Day 10 Pictures

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