Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Florida Spring Training Trip - Day 30

Today was the last full game we will be able to watch this trip as we are leaving for home tomorrow.  It was clear but cold (at least for Tampa at the end of March).  It was 52 degrees at game time with at least a 10 mph wind.

The highlight of the pre-game ceremonies was the arrival of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) parachute team.  SOCOM is based at McDill AFB in Tampa and is responsible for the unified command and operation of joint service special operations activities around the world.  The team consisted of three parachutists each carrying  a flag - the U.S. flag, the Phillies Flag, and the POW flag.  Each of the team members landed on the field to the cheers of the fans.  It was a nice demonstration and great visibility for military special operations professionalism.

A Salvation Army band played the National Anthem and several minor league players were presented with awards for their performance last year.  The game was a match-up of the Phillies' and the Detroit Tigers' best pitchers, Cliff Lee and Justin Verlander.  Both pitchers pitched well, but Detroit played a little better and won 1-0.

Dinner tonight was leftovers from previous meals.  We've cleaned out the refrigerator pretty well and there is not much left over that we cannot take with us.

We've started packing and will be done in the morning.  The plan for tomorrow is to finish packing, check out of the condo and go to the ballpark to watch a little of the last spring training game in Clearwater starting at 1:05 pm.  Our flight leaves Tampa at 5:25 pm local so we need to drive to the airport, turn in the rental car, and check-in for the flight.  We already have our boarding passes, so we just have  to check our baggage and clear security.  

It will be a long flight. From Tampa we will fly to Nashville, TN, change planes, and fly to San Francisco with a stop in Phoenix, AZ.  We are scheduled to arrive in San Francisco at 11:55 pm, local time.  It will also be a quick turn-around as Judy has medical appointments in San Francisco Friday morning.  It everything goes O.K., we should be back in Nevada City Friday afternoon.  This will be the last trip update until we get home when I'll try and do a final post, describing the trip home.

Day 30 Pictures.  

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