Monday, March 17, 2014

Florida Spring Training Trip - Day 21

The baseball game was rained-out today.  As forecast, a heavy line of thunderstorms came through the area beginning this morning and continued throughout the day with thunderstorms, lightning and lots of rain .  It was probably the worst time of spring training to have a game cancelled due to weather.  The game was completely sold out and a big St. Patrick's Day celebration was planned at the park.  The Phillies players were even going to wear green uniforms.  There were also a lot of outdoor activities planned throughout the area that were either cancelled or moved indoors if possible.  

We stayed in most of the day, doing some paperwork and relaxing. We did go out about 4:30 pm and ran a few errands.  We stopped at Costco to get Judy's glasses adjusted and once again, the place was almost deserted. On the way back we checked out the street celebration in downtown Dunedin.  We were in Dunedin in 2012 and it was a very lively affair.  This year, the rain dampened the crowd, although a hard core of celebrants were there drinking green beer in the rain.  We decided not to eat outside hunkered under a canopy and instead, had a nice dinner in Alfrescos, a restaurant down the street where we ate last week.  We then had an ice cream cone for desert before returning to the condo.

No baseball again until Thursday.  The rain should be ending tomorrow morning so we'll decide what we are going to do after breakfast.

Day 21 Pictures

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