Sunday, March 2, 2014

Florida Spring Training Trip - Day 6

Well, we made to Lenny's for breakfast today.  As expected, there was a long wait as mostly Phillies fans waited in line for seats. We had an excellent breakfast then arrived at the ballpark in plenty of time for the game.  The weather was just about perfect for baseball with sunny skies, high 70's and a light breeze.

I wish we could say the same for the Phillies today. There was no offense again although most of the regulars either didn't play or only did so for a few innings.  A lot of the upcoming minor league players for the Phillies did get a lot of playing time, although none of them really stood out against a Pittsburgh Pirates team that also didn't play most of their starters.  It was a typical early spring training game that wasn't very exciting.  From what we've seen so far, the team has along way to go before they are season-ready or very competitive.

After the game we stopped at Target and a grocery store for supplies.  Dinner was take-out Panda Express on the way back to the hotel.

No home game tomorrow so we are going to sleep-in, do some laundry and catch-up with some first-of-the month paperwork.  The game on Tuesday is a night game (a first for us here) and games on Wednesday and Thursday.  We'll also be moving into the condo in Dunedin on Friday.

Here are a few pictures from Lenny's and the ballpark today:

Day 6 Pictures

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