Saturday, February 21, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 14

We slept in for a while and after getting gas and a Starbucks mocha, we headed back to Phoenix by way of Cottonwood, a small town southwest of Sedona and a center of copper mining near the old mining town of Jerome.  Just outside of town is another national monument called Tuzigoote, so we decided to stop and visit.

Tuzigoot (the Apache word for “Crooked Water”) is the remnant of a Southern Sinagua pueblo built between 1100 and 1300 AD.  It sits on the summit of a long ridge rising about 120 feet above the Verde Valley.  The original pueblo was two stories high in places, with 87-ground floor rooms.  There were few exterior doors and entry was through roof openings and external ladders.  The village began as a small cluster of rooms inhabited by around 50 people for 100 years. The population doubled around 1200 then doubled again.  The site was also abandoned around 1400 when the Southern Sinagua began their migration.

After visiting the site and the excellent National Park visitor center, we headed back to Phoenix and the RV resort.  When we got back we had a late lunch at the resort golf course club house then began breaking camp for our departure for Florida tomorrow morning.  Our goal for tomorrow is Las Cruces, NM.

We had a great time in Arizona and are now looking forward to Florida.  We are behind on posting pictures and will catch up as we can heading East across fly-over country.

Day 14 Pictures

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