Sunday, February 15, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 8

Today was an R&R day.  It was time again to sleep in, do the laundry and get the blog up-to-date.

The highlight of the day was to figure out how to work the new high-tech washing machines and dryers. This was a significant challenge for us over 55 types but we managed to succeed.  The new concept in laundromats is "no quarters".  Now, you put a $5.00 bill into a machine and it gives you a card with $3.00 of laundry machine credit.  You then insert the card into the washing machine/dryer and it deducts the cost of the wash/dry from your card and starts the washer/dryer. To add more money to the card, you insert the card back into the machine then insert $5.00, $10.00, or $20.00 bills to load up the card.  This appears to be more efficient for the laundromat and could be coming to a laundromat near you in the not-so-distant future.

No pictures today and tomorrow's plans are still TBD. 

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