Monday, February 16, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day-9

We didn’t make any firm plans for today, so we slept in, had a late breakfast, and decided to go over to Scottsdale and visit the Scottsdale Celebration of Fine Arts.

The Celebration of Fine Arts is essentially an artists’ gallery where over 100 artists from all over the country have booths and workshops set-up with an extensive collection of their works on display and for sale.  The art includes a wide variety of paintings, sculptures, and other artistic works of art in a variety of mediums and styles.  The venue is a rectangular series of event tents open in the middle with outside sculpture on display. There is also a restaurant at the site where we had a light lunch.

The artists displaying their works were world class artists, their art and different styles would not appeal to everyone but they all had something in common – they were very expensive.  We had fun looking at all the art work but didn’t see anything we were willing to pay upwards $3000 + for.  I guess Scottsdale is the perfect venue for a high-end art gallery as they have been doing this every January – March for the last 25 years.

There is nothing on the schedule for tomorrow so we’ll see what happens.

Pictures were not allowed inside the gallery, so we only have a few pictures of the outside area.

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