Saturday, February 28, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 21

We left the RV park at 8:45 am.  It was cloudy and still cool as we headed towards Tallahassee.  It began to drizzle and by the time we got there it was raining pretty hard.  We turned south about 30 miles east of Tallahassee and the rain gradually eased up until we were about 50 miles north of the Tampa area.  It started raining again (pretty hard) until we got to the RV park in Oldsmar about 4:30 pm (EST).

The park is very nice.  We have stayed here twice before and are very satisfied with the location and amenities.  Our first game is tomorrow so we will finish setting everything up tomorrow evening or Monday.

It is good to be here and we are looking forward to no RV driving for awhile.

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