Sunday, March 1, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 22

We slept in a little today, had breakfast, and left for our first baseball game about 10:30 am.  The park is about 15 minutes away, but we got there early, walked around the park and had lunch.

This was the first game of the spring training season for the Phillies.  They played a college team from The University of Tampa, a top-rated Division II baseball team.  The Phillies did not play any of their regular players and the ones playing today were rookies, minor leaguers, and non-roster invitees to spring training.  Few if any are expected to be on the major league roster when the season starts.  So, perhaps as expected, the Phillies lost to a very good local college team, 6-2.

It seemed like most of the fans in the park today were Tampa University fans.  They also brought a pep band and two cheer squads.  It was a good day for the Tampa fans and not an auspicious start for what almost everyone seems to think will be a bad year for the Phillies.

We ran a few errands after the game and returned to the RV for dinner.  Our plan for tomorrow is to finish setting up our site, do laundry, and first-of-the month paperwork.  The next game is Tuesday against the Yankees.  Eileen, Linda, Allison, Dan and their kids will also be at the game and possibly go out to dinner with us afterwards.

Day 22 Pictures

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