Monday, March 23, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 43

Sunday, March 22

Not too much to report today.  We slept in and had a late breakfast.  I cooked bacon on the grill and Judy made pancakes.  After breakfast, we did laundry (I helped carry and fold things).  All of a sudden it was mid-afternoon, so we just relaxed around the RV for the rest of the day, although I did start working on the itinerary for our return trip which starts next Monday.  We grilled steaks and cooked baked potatoes on the grill for dinner then relaxed some more before retiring for the evening.

It looks like tomorrow will be an off-and-on rainy day as a front moves through.  We’ll have to wait and see if the weather will have an impact on the game tomorrow. Rainfall around here seems to vary quite a bit from location to location as it is mostly thunderstorm/rain squall type of precipitation and can be quite localized.

No pictures today.

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