Sunday, March 29, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 50

Today was our last baseball game.  The Phillies have two more games here before breaking camp and heading north, but we need to get on the road to make Judy’s doctor’s appointments in SF on April 8th and 10th.

The weather at the game was clear, a little cool (68 degrees) and breezy but an enjoyable experience for our last game here this year.  The Phillies played the Detroit Tigers and didn’t win, but they didn’t lose either - the game ended in a 4-4 tie.  They don’t normally play extra innings in spring training to break a tie.  After the game, we said goodbye to our spring training buddies (ushers, food service people and fans) and headed back to the RV.

After doing the laundry, we will go to bed early for our early departure in the morning.  Our goal tomorrow is the Florida Panhandle area north of Pensacola.  It has been a great trip but we are eager to hit the road and head home.

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