Thursday, March 5, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 26

Well, we didn’t make it to the beach today.  We slept in again and took our time getting up and having breakfast.  It was also pretty gloomy this morning, not cold, but overcast and it cleared up in the early afternoon.

So, we “stayed home” today.  Pat continued to work on his on-going issues with the wireless printer and Judy relaxed, reading and sewing and offering encouragement about the printer issue (i.e., why don’t you just buy a new printer?” etc.).  The problem was finally resolved by connecting the printer to the computer with a cable.  Electronic mysteries win again, although I think the problem is with the RV park Internet server.

We ran a couple of errands after lunch and finished the afternoon off with cool drinks at the local Starbucks.  Dinner was spaghetti and salad in the RV.

The baseball game tomorrow is with the NY Yankees again.  The plan is to have a late breakfast at Lenny’s before the game.  It is a local restaurant near the ball park that caters to Phillies fans and features Philadelphia food choices (e.g. six kinds of sausage, scrapple, pork roll, etc. on the breakfast menu, all served in extra large portions.) The complementary Danish baskets however are excellent.  The waitresses all call you “Hon” and have east coast accents.  If you are down here from Philadelphia for the baseball and warmer winter weather, you feel right at home.

No pictures today.

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