Monday, March 9, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 29

We didn’t go anywhere today.  Judy was resting her leg although she did do the laundry (I helped carry things).  She is feeling pretty good and the pain medicine is helping. 

My big project for today was to unhook the RV and drive up to the office and get the propane tank in the RV refilled.  We had about 1/3 of a tank left but we would have to have filled it before we leave for home. We are not using that much propane and try and do most of the cooking outside.  We also don’t use the propane heater in the RV, but use a small electric space heater for heat if needed. The only consistent use is the hot water heater. Today was a good day to deal with refilling the tank and one less thing to do before we break camp. 

We spent the rest of the day reading and cooked steaks on the grill for dinner.  More reading after dinner and then to bed.

No pictures today.

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