Saturday, March 7, 2015

Arizona/Florida Trip - Day 28

Judy awoke this morning with a sharp pain in her lower back and hip and a numbness running down her leg to her foot.  So, we went to the ER at the hospital in Dunedin to have it checked out.  It was diagnosed as pressure on the sciatic nerve (sciatica).  They did a complete series of pelvic and back x-rays and confirmed there was no fracture or disc compression.  The treatment is prescription pain medication, heavy duty IBP, taking it easy and no heavy lifting, etc.  We were in the ER (they call it the Fast Track area down here) for about 4 hours, leaving there about 2:00 pm.  The facility at the hospital was very nice and the medical staff competent and attentive.  The medicine quickly kicked in and Judy is not feeling very much pain this evening, although there is still some numbness in the leg.

Since we didn’t go to the game today (It was a lousy game anyway – the Phillies lost again 4-2), we decided to have a late lunch in Dunedin followed by an ice cream cone and a short walk down to the city pier.

We were back to the RV by 5:00 pm and skipped dinner since we had just eaten lunch.  The next baseball game is Tuesday but we’ll see how Judy feels before we make any plans for the next two days.

Day 28 Pictures

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