Friday, March 30, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 54

It was raining when we left the RV Park this morning about 9:30 am.  As we headed north on I-75 it started raining really hard and continued for about an hour as the cold front moved through the area.  The skies cleared eventually and it cooled down quite a bit.

As we approached the Atlanta area the traffic significantly increased and remained so until we arrived at Stone Mountain Park a little bit east of Atlanta.  The park, a big deal in this area, is a state park that surrounds Stone Mountain.  

Stone Mountain is a granite dome. elevation 1,686 feet, 825 feet above the surrounding area. Stone Mountain is well known for not only its geology, but also the enormous carved relief on its north face, the largest bas-relief in the world. The carving depicts three Confederate figures: Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
The park is a great destination attraction, is a very popular place to visit and an excellent place  for a family vacation.

There is a 400-site RV park, two hotels , numerous sights and attractions, lakes, a golf course, restaurants, hiking and nature trails, picnic areas and group pavilions, evening laser light shows, boat rides, a cable car gondola ride up the mountain, a train that circles the mountain, nightly fireworks and a conference and environmental center.  Mostly though, the mountain is a Confederate war memorial that so far has escaped revisionist history outrage.
After getting set-up in the RV park and relaxing a little, we had dinner at The Commons Restaurant at the park golf course.  We had a great dinner with a lakeside view, then drove around the park a little to get oriented to it all.
We are going over to Kevin's apartment tomorrow, then to a baseball game between the Phillies and Atlanta Braves tomorrow night.  We will be staying in a hotel near Kevin's place tomorrow night and coming back here on Sunday.  We will be staying here on Monday to explore the park, then leaving Tuesday for Alabama to visit a high school friend, Paula and her husband Dallas.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 53

We left Oldsmar around 10:30 am this morning after topping off with gas and propane.  It was a fairly easy drive on the Interstate through Tampa then north on I-75 toward Atlanta.  The traffic was heavy, lots of trucks and RVs heading north.  The snowbirds are heading for home.

We arrived at our stop for the night, the Eagles Roost RV Park, just south of Valdosta, GA.  It is a nice park for an overnight stop under a lot of trees with Spanish Moss hanging from them.  Although Spanish Moss is neither Spanish or a moss, it makes a pretty sight.

We are about half way to Atlanta and will follow I-75 to Atlanta and our stop at Stone Mountain, GA for the next few days.

It feels good to get on the road again and are looking forward to the trip home.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 52

It was "breaking camp" day.  We both got haircuts, Judy had her nails done, I got gas in the truck, picked-up a few groceries and Judy did the laundry.  Dinner was take-out pizza.

We are a packed and ready to leave in the morning for Atlanta.  We will go half way tomorrow, then Atlanta on Friday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Florida Spring Training - Day 51

Well, its a wrap on spring training baseball.  The Phillies and the Pittsburg Pirates tied 5-5 after an interesting game .  The weather was perfect - warm and sunny and my sister Eileen came down from Crystal River for the game.  We also had breakfast at Lenny's again and I had the"Redneck Benedict" one more time - two poached eggs on biscuits with sausage, all covered with gravy with a side of country potatoes and onions.   It was probably about 2,000 calories. Not health food but probably O.K. once a year (Well, maybe twice this year).

The Phillies finished spring training on an optimistic note despite losing a few more games than they won.  They have a lot of young players with the potential to do well and a mix of veterans who still have not yet reached their full potential .  Pitching may be O.K., but there are a lot of variables so it is hard to predict how well they will do this year.  I have a pretty good feeling about it all however and am going out on a limb to predict they will win 75 games this year and have an outside chance to make the playoffs. They open the season Thursday sday afternoon in Atlanta.

After the game we had dinner with Eileen at the Lucky Dill, a NY style restaurant just north of the park.  After returning to the RV we went to bed early.  Tomorrow we will be getting everything ready for our departure Thursday morning for Atlanta and the beginning of our trip home.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Florida Spring Training - Day 50

We didn't go to the beach today.  After sleeping in we decided we had enough to do here to get ready for our departure so we stayed "home" and started to break camp a little.  We also had someone come in to wash the RV as I am not allowed on the roof of the RV despite my "cat-like reflexes" and a fairly stable ladder.  We went out for lunch while the guy was washing the RV and bought a few supplies for the road.  It was a fairly late lunch so we just had nachos for an appetizer in-lieu of dinner.

Tomorrow is the last spring a manicuretraining game.  My sister Eileen is coming down from Crystal River for the game.  We are meeting her at Lenny's  for breakfast  before the game and maybe dinner afterwards.

Wednesday is more departure preparations including haircuts and a manicure for Judy.  We will then leave for Atlanta by way of Valdosta, GA Thursday morning.

The team appears to be shaping up pretty well.  They have looked pretty good the last few games and their roster appears to be set.  It will be a long season (162 games) but hope springs eternal and we'll see how it goes.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 49

Baseball today with the Baltimore Orioles.  The Phillies were winning until they brought in the minor leaguers in the 8th inning and ending up losing 6-5.  It was  a great day for a game, weather wise, 80 degrees, sunny and no wind.  We even had a 4-star general, the head of Joint Special Operations Command, a Philadelphia native and Phillies fan throw out the first ball.

The beach tomorrow. More baseball on T uesday - the last game.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 48

Today was Oldsmar Days.  The City of Oldsmar is having its annual city celebration this weekend.  The event celebrates the founding of the town by R.E. Olds the founder of the town and the inventor of the Oldsmobile and the REO automobiles.  The history of the town and background on how R.E. Olds was involved is interesting.  Here is a link to more information:

The highlight of today was the parade with the usual collection of politicians sitting on the back of convertibles throwing out candy with their outriders walking alongside  handing out campaign literature and assorted trinkets.  There were also civic groups, organizations, businesses and public safety agencies with various floats, mostly homemade.  All were throwing beads, candy and other assorted things.  The highlight of the parade however was the large number of vintage Oldsmobiles in the parade from the first one in 1906 to the last of them in the 1990's.  There are several Oldsmobile clubs in the region and there were probably at least 20 -40 cars here today.  All were beaautifully restored, chaparoned by "olds guys", affectionally known as "lug nuts" by the fraternity of antique car buffs.

We arrived at the main city park on the bay before the parade started and walked around a little before finding a spot in the shade before the parade started. The crowd was not large but family oriented and a very nice "small town" event.  The parade lasted about an hour and a few of the floats and cars even came around again at the back of the parade.

After the parade we walked through the grounds in the park which featured a full service carnival with the typical games, rides and food booths.  Another section was a number of booths selling crafts and things and organizational booths touting their various services.  There was also a food court and continious live rock music being played by what appeared to be local bands.

We had a great lunch from the BBQ booth in the food court, walked around the area where the antique Oldsmobiles were displayed, then had ice cream for dessert while listening to a featured local band (The Homies) playing mostly rock cover songs as well as some of their own music (we think).  They were good and there was a good crowd listening to them as it appears they have a pretty good local following.

The weather was perfect - 78 degrees, sunny and no wind.  We were back in the RV about 4:00 pm after a very enjoyable day.

Baseball tomorrow, our next-to-last game.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 47

Another day of taking it easy. We stayed around the RV today doing not much of anything.  I did some paperwork and trip planning for heading home.  Judy just relaxed.  The next thing we knew it was time for dinner.  After appetizers, I grilled steaks outside on the grill and Judy made a delicious rice dish.

Tomorrow we are going to Oldsmar Days and Nights, the city's three-day annual festival and parade. The Oldsmar name dates to April 12, 1916 when automobile pioneer and inventor of the Oldsmobile and REO autos, Ransom E. Olds purchased 37,541 acres of land by the northern part of Tampa Bay to establish "R. E. Olds-on-the-Bay". The name was later changed to Oldsmar, then to "Tampa Shores" in 1927, and finally back to Oldsmar in 1937.

A unique feature of the Saturday event is the display and participation in the parade by regional Oldsmobile car clubs that come from all over the south to display their vintage and restored Oldsmobiles.  We went last year, had a great time and are going back tomorrow.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 46

Today was a wild one - both at the game and weather-wise.

The Phillies new high-priced pitcher, Jake Arrieta, made his Phillies debute.  He was a late acquisition and this was his first spring training game.  He only pitched two innings and gave up 2 runs and three hits.  The game was another "clunker" as they lost to the Detroit Tigers 6-2.  The game was also marred by a series of ejections by the umpire who perceived that several players who were hit by pitched balls were thrown at on purpose.  Everone later denied trying to hit anyone on purpose but the umpire thought otherwise.

The other part of today's game experience was the weather.  It was clear but windy (right at us out of the NNW) and the temperature never got above 63 degrees.  That doesn't sound too bad compared to what others are experiening at the moment, but for here, that is cold.  We were bundled up pretty good but we only lasted to the 7th inning then left.

After a trip to Whole Foods in search of dried peaches (they didn't have any), we decided to head back to the RV rather than going over to the coast for dinner and a sunset as planned.  Plan B was Cracker Barrel for a hearty and delicious dinner of solid comfort food.

We have two games to go - Sunday and next Tuesday.  We also still have a few other things we want to do around here before leaving on Thursday for Atlanta to visit our son Kevin on the way home.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Phillies Spring Training 2018 - Day 45

Well, we stayed "home" again today.  After the front moved through yesterday it was very windy last night and much cooler.  When we got up this morning it was clear, but still very windy and cool.  We were going to vist the Florida Heritage Village again, but decided instead to do the laundry.  Not quite as exciting but a necessary travel chore.

That was about for the day and dinner was leftovers in the RV.  Life in the fast lane.

More baseball tomorrow.  The weather will remain cool then heat up into the weekend.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 44

Baseball today was under a forecast of heavy thunderstorms and possible tornado warnings. Another cold front was coming in from the NW with a bunch of weather associated with it.

The game started under cloudy skies with the threat of rain.  The ground crew even had the tarp positined to put on the field.  The game started at 1:05 pm and moved along pretty well, but the rain and wind came in at the 7th inning and the game was stopped.  As it is spring training, they didn't wait until the rain moved on but rather just stopped the game at that point.  It was actually a pretty good game for the Phillies and they recorded an abbreviated 2-0 win.

Things were OK back at the RV park as most of the heavy weather went either north or south, although the park got a pretty good soaking.  By dinner time, the skies cleared, the wind picked up and the temperature dropped as the front moved through.  We are in for a few more days of cool and breezy weather and then it looks like Florida summer will start to kick-in next week. 

We are "off" tomorrow and plan to do some sightseeing.  There are three more games before we break camp on March 29th and begin our journey home.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 43

I guess we are staring to feel our age. We couldn't think of any thing we really wanted to do today, so we took another day off.

We slept in, putzed around for awhile, went out to Steak-and-Shake for lunch, got a few groceries, then fixed a few little things around the RV. I grilled sausage sandwiches  with onions and peppers for dinner. And, another early to bed is in the works.

The forecasted thunderstorms never materialized but the skies were threatening all day and the humidity was high.  Another cold front is due tomorrow with a couple more days of cool weather then more warm temperatures and humidity.  Florida summer is not far away. 

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 42

We didn't go anywhere today.  It was a good opportunity to work on the taxes that we wanted to get done before we leave for home. We did get them done and filed so that is a big thing to have behind us.

We also smoked ribs in our new portable electric smoker.  It worked well and we had a great dinner.  We were also able to eat outside tonight as the "no-see-ums" were somewhere else today.

Tomorrow is another "off" day with activities TBD.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 41

Happy Patrick's Day, always a big deal at the game.  The ballpark sells out and almost everyone is wearing green, usually with a Phillies theme, but you see just about everything.  The players also wear green jerseys and Irish music plays on the PA system.  I didn't see any green beer, but then I wasn't looking for it either.  The Phillies were playing the Atlanta Braves who also wore green hats with their blue traveling jerseys.

We were also treated to the annual "delivery of the flags" by the  United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Parachute Team stationed at nearby McDill Air Force Base.  Once again, they landed one-after-another carrying the American Flag, the POW flag and a Phillies Flag.  Here is a link to more information about the team and USSOCOM:

The Phillies won today and after the game we headed over to Dunedin for their annual St. Patrick's Day street party with entertainment, food booths, street vendors and lots of beer.  This year, the event seemed particularly crowded.  It was hard to move around and the beer lines were very long.  We walked around a little then had dinner at another favorite Dunedin restaurant, the Cafe Alfresco.  We then went back to the RV at a reasonable hour avoiding the St. Patricks Day hoopla that usually intensifies as the night progresses.  Perhaps it is one of he joys of getting older to avoid such things and for sure, we feel a lot better this morning than a lot of younger people in the area who stayed out a little later than we did last night.

Tomorrow, we are staying close to "home" as I cannot put off doing the taxes much longer.  The weather is warming up but another cold front is due on Tuesday with showers and slightly cooler weather.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 40

The Phillies played the Toronto Blue Jays today. They lost 6-4 but didn't  have all their main players as they were also playing another game against the Detroit Tigers in Lakeland.  The weather was warmer today (74 degrees) but still a little breezy. 

After the game we headed over to Safety Harbor again.  We wanted to have pizza at a neat little pizza place we have visited in previous spring training trips.  The restaurant, Pizza Greogario, is essentially a converted house.  They only serve pizza and salad with the pizza menu tending to be a little on the "healthy" side with lots of natural ingredients and different combinations.  The crust is outstanding as were the two individual pizzas we ordered.  What also makes the restaurant somewhat unique is that you order the pizza at one end of the room the person taking the order attaches the order to a clip and sends it along a zip line to the person making the pizza and baking it in the brick oven at the other end of the room.  You also get a large playing card clipped to a stand to place on your table so they know where to bring your pizza when it is ready.

After dinner we walked along Main Street for awhile.  A street fair was in progress, "Third Friday".  There were vendors, food booths, street entertainers and a band playing at the park in the city square.  It seems there is always something going on in this little town.

After a coffee at Starbucks we headed back to the RV park after another enjoyable day (except for the Phillies losing the ball game).

Tomorrow is St. Patricks Day at the ball park.  They are expecting a full house plus and it will be very crowded.  It is always a fun time however despite the crowds.  After the game we are going over to Dunedin for their annual St. Patricks Day celebration and dinner.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 39

Not much to report today.  We took a day off and just stayed around the RV, getting caught up on paperwork and goofing off.

We had dinner in the RV and went to bed early.  The weather remains cool but is warming up.

Back to baseball tomorrow, then St. Patrick's Day on Saturday with another game and party in Dunedin.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 38

After a mocha at Starbucks, we traveled up to Honeymoon Island State Park for a scheduled nature walk on the Osprey Trail with a park docent.  We have taken this walk several times in the past but we always try to do it every year we are down here.

Honeymoon Island is a a barrier island located near the top of Florida's barrier island chain and is an important location for resting and foraging shorebirds.  There are numerous hiking trails and picnic areas as well as white, sandy beaches extending to the northern tip of the island.

The island received its name in 1939 when a developer from NY purchased the island and, together with LIFE magazine held a contest for newly married couples. The winners of the contest would stay in thatched bungalows on the island for a two-week "honeymoon" giving the island its name.  The intent by the developer was to attract people to the area and sell property for development.  WW II intervened however, and the state eventually purchased the island and developed it into a state park.

The docent was was very knowledgeable about the area and the various types of wildlife that live here.  There are lots of ospreys, eagles, horned owls and lots of critters including gopher tortoises, rattlesnakes, armadillos and other things that only come out at night that are best avoided.

The Osprey Trail where we walked is very popular and is essentially a two-mile loop trail to the northern tip of the island and back.  We saw lots of ospreys, a nesting horned owl with two baby chicks and two nesting bald eagles who for some reason did not have any chicks this year. We didn't see any rattlesnakes this year as the weather was still cool and breezy and I guess they were all staying warm in the underbrush. One of the snakes here is the  Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake, very venomous but shy and avoids humans unless provoked.

After the hike we traveled back across the causeway and had lunch at Frenchy's Outpost one of the several Frenchy's in the area. It was another great lunch in a nice setting.

 -  We then traveled up to Crystal River for a surprise birthday party - my sister Eileen was celebrating her 75th birthday.  Amy, one of her daughters, flew in from Philadelphia and made arrangements for a birthday dinner at a nice resort in the area.  We had an excellent dinner and visit then drove back to the RV park, arriving around 9:30 pm.  It was a long day but very enjoyable.

No baseball tomorrow, and it looks like an R&R day in the RV park.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 37

It was cold today.   The temperature at game time was 58 degrees with a 10-15 mph north wind.  we were bundled up but it was still uncomfortable.  We lasted until the 8th inning but then our "fun meter" pegged out and we left.  The game against the Tampa Bay Rays was tied 3-3 when we left, but the Phillies went on to win 6-3 on a three-run homer in the 9th inning.

After the game we drove up to Palm Harbor for an early dinner at the Lucky Dill, a NY style deli/restaurant/sports bar.  The food is authentic NY deli food in a setting with a lot of NY Yankees decor.  They were also celebrating St. Patrick's Day week with live Irish music being played by two guys who said they just flew in from Ireland.  We have eaten there before and always enjoyed the food and visit.  As we left, there was also a bagpiper outside playing for the people waiting for a table.

We have two days off from baseball.  The plan tomorrow is a nature hike at Honeymoon Island State Park and other activities TBD.  Tomorrow is also forecast to be chilly, with a warming trend into the weekend.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 36

A quiet day today. It rained early this morning and as another cold front came through.  We did laundry after the rain stopped and not much else.

We had bought a portable electric smoker, so we smoked a tri-tip we brought with us from CA  - probably the only tri-tip east of the Mississippi right now.  It turned out great and our next smoking experience will probably be pork ribs before we leave.

Our camping/RV experiences at this point all involve electricity/hook-ups so there is no need for propane-dependant appliances.  So, an electric skillet and an electric smoker outside both work for us right now.

It is now cold and breezy again and the game tomorrow will involve winter jackets.  A warm-up will be back by the end of the week and should last until we break camp towards the end of the month.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 35

We drove down to to St. Petersburg today to visit another nature preserve.  This one is the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve around a lake near the bottom of Tampa Bay. The preserve is around Lake Maggiore, a fresh water lake that was once part of the bay but was dammed in the 1930's to form a fresh water lake for fishing.  Over the years it fell into disrepair until it was restored by the state and the City of St. Petersburg as a wildlife and ecological nature preserve. It is now an important educational center for children, provides habitat for a variety of birds and wildlife and has over 5 miles of hiking and nature trails.  Kayaking and canoeing on the lake and marshes are also offered.

After we arrived, we went on a scheduled "Alligator Walk".  A park nature guide talked about alligators and we took a short hike into the preserve where we saw several alligators as well as  a variety of birds.  It was a great visit and worth the drive.

On the way back, we decided to go to the Safety Harbor Seafood festival again for an early dinner.  Once again, we had an excellent dinner while enjoying the area and listening to a Reggae band.

No baseball tomorrow.  It will be a "stay at home day" at the RV, time to do laundry, get caught-up on some more paperwork and maybe even get started on our taxes.  It looks like it is going to be another cool week ahead but no rain is forecast.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 34

The Phillies lost to the Tampa Bay Rays today.  They were leading 3-0 until the 8th inning but lost 5-3 on a 3-run home run in the 9th inning by the Rays.  It was a disappointing loss after a well played game until the pitching failed at the end.

The weather was overcast today.  They played the game with the lights on but it wasn't cold or windy.  The temperature was around 70 degrees with a slight wind out of the south. All-in-all it was an enjoyable day to watch a game.

We returned to the RV after the game and had take-out pizza for dinner.  No baseball for the next two days.  The plan for tomorrow is to visit another nature preserve down near St. Petersburg. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 33

It was a busy day today.  We met my sister Eileen and her friend Linda for breakfast at Lenny's.  It was another great breakfast after a long wait - mostly Phillies fans going to the game today.

Eileen and Linda were going to visit a friend in Largo, just south of Clearwater.  They are staying over at their hotel and going to another Yankees game tomorrow then returning to Crystal River.

We went to the game against Pittsburgh.  It was a close game but the Phillies lost 5-4.  It was still breezy with the temperature around 69 degrees with a 5-10 mph wind - still cool but a little better than yesterday.  

The stadium sound system malfunctioned during the National Anthem so the crowd sang along while the singer continued to sing into the mic that wasn't working.  Local resident Hulk Hogan was also at the game talking to the players, mingling with the crowd and signing autographs.

Tomorrow is forecast to be warmer with the temperature in the 70's and a light SSE wind.

After the game we drove over to the town of Safety Harbor, a neat little town on the bay.  There are having a seafood festival this weekend so we decided to check it out.  The festival is in a park on the waterfront and had the usual collection of craft vendors as well as a live band (country) and a lot of food booths serving a variety of seafood prepared different ways.  It all looked delicious so we stayed and had dinner there.  It was as good as it looked and we may go back for more before the festival closes on Sunday.

On the way back to the car we had ice cream at the Coldstone Creamery, an excellent ice cream shop we visited last year.

More baseball tomorrow against the Tampa Bay Rays.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 32

No baseball today so we slept in and did a few things around the RV for most of the day.

We met my sister Eileen and her friend Linda for dinner in Clearwater. They attended the Yankees-Phillies game in Tampa and are stay over to watch another game in Tampa on Saturday.

We are also meeting them tomorrow for breakfast at Lenny's before our game with Pittsburgh.

The weather remains cool, sunny and breezy - temperature in the 60's.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 31

The front came through as advertised.  It started raining late last night and it was gone by morning.  When it cleared, the skies were sunny but it was a lot cooler and windy.

Before the game we had breakfast at Lenny's, an iconic restaurant for Phillies fans just down the street from the ballpark.  I had the "Redneck Benedict" again - two poached eggs, home fries, sausage, and biscuits and gravy.  It was only about 3,000 calories and not the most healthy breakfast, but once a year may be O.K.

The game today, against Boston was challenging.  The temperature never got above 69 degrees and the wind was at least 10-15 out of the north - right in our faces where we sit.  We were bundled up with sweat shirts and jackets but it was still chilly, relatively speaking.

The game was a win for the Phillies, 2-1.  Boston only brought a few regulars and they played against the Phillies regulars, so the win must be kept in perspective, although the Phillies pitching was pretty good today.

No baseball tomorrow.  We are going to relax around the RV, get caught-up with a few things and meet Eileen and Linda for dinner tomorrow evening.  They are going to see the Yankees and Phillies play in Tampa tomorrow and are staying in Clearwater tomorrow night.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 30

We slept in and decided to go up to Tarpon Springs, about 10 miles up the road on the coast, for Greek food for lunch.

Tarpon Springs, home to sponge harvesting in the area, is a center of Greek heritage, as many Greeks immigrated here to harvest sponges.  Now, the sponge dock area of town is a working seaport for shrimp boats and sponge boats.  It is also a popular tourist destination with all kinds of Greek-themed things for sale like sponges and the usual assortment of trinkets.  The attraction for us is the Greek food.  There are a number of Greek restaurants and bakeries, all with authentic Greek food that is always good.  

We had a great late lunch/dinner at Dimitri's. a restaurant where we have eaten several times in the past.  After eating, we walked around a little and picked up a few treats at the bakery.

After leaving Tarpon Springs, we stopped at a park nearby (Fred C. Howard County Park).  It has picnic areas and a causeway out to a small island in the Gulf that has a great beach and is a meeting place for windsurfers.  As the wind was up today they were out in force.

After a short visit we headed down the coast to Dunedin for an ice cream cone for dessert before heading back to the RV park.

Another cold front is coming through tonight.  This one has some moisture behind it and rain showers are in the forecast.  The front is expected to be gone by morning, but it is forecast to be cooler tomorrow (65 degrees or so) and breezy.  It could be a cool day at the game tomorrow, so we will dress accordingly.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 29

The Phillies played the Minnesota Twins today.  They won again 4-3.  It was a pretty good game and the players played pretty well.  The weather remained a little cool down here again - 75 degrees with a 5-10 mph north wind.  We can deal with it.

It was a quiet dinner in the RV and it will be early to bed tonight.

No baseball tomorrow.  We are planning on sleeping in tomorrow and then deciding what to do the rest of the day.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 28

It was a long day today. The Phillies played the Toronto Blue Jays and won 4-2, finally winning a game we were watching.  It was also alumni day, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the 2008 world series championship.  A few of the players on that team were present to be recognized and to sign autographs.  The players included Jimmie Rollins, Pedro Feliz, Scott Eyre, and Brett Meyers.  Charlie Manual the manager then and coaches, Rich Dubee and Jimmie Williams were also present.  There will be a larger reunion ceremony in Philadelphia in August.

The minor league spring training camp also opened today as the remainder of the Phillies low minor league players and rookies reported for training and games with other area minor league teams. Their activities will be conducted at the adjoining training field complex.

The Phillies are moving into the information age this year, focusing on the use of analytics to make real-time decisions regarding what pitch to throw, where to position defenders, what to expect from the opposing pitcher, etc.  The have hired 12 people to crunch numbers and make the information available to the coaches and players through digital media in the dugout.  One innovation is to put an analyst in uniform to observe the game and listen to the coaches make decisions as the game progresses in order to better understand how decisions are made and can be include in analytic statistical planning and useful decision making.  There was one there today, a Standford graduate I think, soaking up technical information from Charlie Manual, like "hit the ball where they can't catch it".

The weather remained cooler, with the temperature about 75 degrees and breezy.  The upper section where we sit is always a lot cooler when the wind is out of the north, as it was today.  We were prepared however with our jackets.  It is hard to complain about the weather when it is 75 degrees and sunny.

After the game, we pushed the weariness limit by deciding to do the laundry after a quick dinner in the RV. We were finally done about 10:00 pm then crashed for the evening.

More baseball tomorrow.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 27

It was another "clunker" today.  The Phillies didn't even have a hit until the 8th inning and lost 4-2.  The regulars played most of the game and didn't have much to show for it.  Even though it is still early, they need to start hitting.  The pitchers also need to start pitching better.  Other than that, they are doing O.K.  This is going to be a strange season with a whole new coaching staff and a lot of young players with plenty of "potential".  Whether or not all that works out or not remains to be seen.

There were also a lot of Philadelphia Eagle fans (and Phillie fans) at the game regularly chanting Eagle cheers.  They even had an Eagle player, Torrey Smith, throw out the first ball.  It is hard to appreciate from afar how passionate Eagle fans are and how they feel about winning the Super Bowl after so many years.  For many, it was a "bucket list" event.

After the game iwe made a stop at Walmart then dinner in the RV.  I grilled steaks outside and we had an excellent dinner before retiring for the evening.

It is going to be a busy baseball week starting with games tomorrow and Monday before our next day off on Tuesday.

The expected cold front came through, dropping the temperatures to the mid 70's and breezy.  After record-setting temperatures in the 80's for the last month, everyone down here is ready for a return to seasonable temperatures and humidity levels.  This weather pattern is expected to continue for awhile.  We are not complaining although we need an extra layer at the games as we get a pretty good breeze when the wind is out of the north as it will be for the next few days.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 26

It was a long and busy day today:

We started with personal grooming appointments.  Pat got a haircut and Judy had her nails done.  We have been going to this beauty salon every time we come here and the haircut lady specializes with patrons of the RV park where we stay.

After our grooming tune-up we stopped at a new Starbucks near by for a mocha and snack in-lieu of lunch.

It was then on to the C. George McGough Nature Park south of Clearwater in the city of Largo.  It is a city park that specializes inn raptor rehabilitation.  It is not a large park but it is right on the intercostal waterway across the causeway from the beach town of Indian Rocks.

We have visited the park several times in the past and have enjoyed seeing the raptors and the reptiles in nature center.  There is also a turtle pond with at least 8 different species of turtles  After a short walk in the park we then headed over the causeway towards Clearwater Beach and the Columbia Restaurant at Sand Key. 

We had a great meal at the Columbia Restaurant.  It is one of 4 in the region and the original in Ybor City, north of Tampa was opened in 1905.  It is a Cuban-themed restaurant and was founded by a Cuban emigre family when Ybor City was the center of the Cuban cigar industry in the early part of the 20th Century.

We started with a pitcher of sangria then had gazpacho soup and three different kinds of Tapas. The Cuban bread served with the meal is also authentic and very good.

After arriving back in Oldsmar, we stopped for a few groceries then back to the RV after a long but enjoyable day.

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 25

The Phillies lost again today, their fifth straight loss of the Spring Training Season.  It is still early but so far, the other team's minor league hitters are hitting our major league pitchers and our major league hitters are not hitting their minor league pitchers.  This is not a good sign, but we remain optimistic things are going to get better.

I did get a baseball at the game. While walking around the park during batting practice, a "home run" ball landed at my feet.  I didn't even have to knock anyone over to get it, just pick it up.

After the game, we returned to the RV and moved to the new site where we will be staying for there rest of the month. For dinner, we went out to the local Cracker Barrel, just down the road.

No baseball tomorrow. I will be getting a haircut and Judy will be getting her nails done.  We are then planning to visit a nature preserve in Largo, just south of here then dinner at the Columbia Restaurant in Sand Key, on the coast, south of Clearwater Beach.