Sunday, April 1, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 55

We drove over to Alpharetta, GA today to visit our son Kevin who recently transferred from San Francisco to his new position as Director of Operations, Enrollment & Billing, Delta Dental Insurance Company.

Alpharetta is in the northern suburbs of Atlanta and is about a 30-minute drive from where we are staying at Stone Mountain. He is living in an apartment in a mixed use development called Avalon.  It is a connected community of up-scale shopping, dining, entertainment, living and working.   His apartment is on the 6th floor of one of the three apartment buildings in the complex.  It is a "gated" facility with secure parking and access limited to residents and their guests.  it is really a nice apartment and everything is new. The complex just opened last year and he is the first resident of his apartment.

The area stretches for three blocks along a major street, Avalon Bvld.  There are numerous  shops and many restaurants on the street level and professional offices on the upper levels and adjacent side streets. Anchored  at one end of the community is a brand new hotel, The Hotel at Avalon.  Since we were going to the baseball game tonight to see the Phillies play the Atlanta Braves, we decided to spend the night at the hotel.

Prior to leaving for the game we walked around the Avalon area and had lunch at a Persian Restaurant, Rumi's Kitchen.  We ate outside and had an excellent meal.

The ball game was not so great. The Phillies lost to the Braves 15-2.  It was a real "clunker" with questionable managerial decisions and a poor performance by just about everyone involved.  It is still early, but the first three games of the season have not promoted much optimism about how well the team will do this year.

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