Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 72

We got an early start today in attempt to help mitigate the high wind forecast as we headed west to Albuquerque. 

Things weren't too bad or the first hour of so, then things got worse.  We fought sustained winds of 35-45 mph with occasional gusts higher than that.  The wind was mostly  a quartering headwind from the WSW.  It was really a tough drive as we had to slow down to 50-55 mph most of the way on a 75 mph highway.  The big trucks and autos were not affected to the extent we were by the wind and they continued to blow by us, causing additional swaying of the RV as they passed.

We are staying at an RV park just west of Albuquerque.  We arrived about 3:30 PM local time, gaining an hour after entering the Mountain Time Zone.  The park is part of a new casino complex and is very nice.  They also have a complimentary shuttle that will deliver you to and from your RV to the casino.  We are resting right now and may or may not go over to the casino for dinner later.  The wind is still blowing very hard but is expected to diminish during the night.  The forecast for tomorrow is for much lighter winds as we continue west.

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