Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 59

It rained last night - pretty hard with thunder and lightning as another cold front came through. They had a few tornado warnings further north but nothing developed. When we got up this morning the front had moved on, it wasn't raining and the skies were partly cloudy, it was windy and much cooler.

We got on the road about 10:30 am for another relatively short drive (120 miles) to Chattanooga, TN. We have never been here before and wanted to see the Civil War sites in the area. As we traveled NE to get here we actually went through a part of GA again before entering the SE corner of TN. And, we are now back in the Eastern Time Zone.

We are staying at a nice RV park on the east side of town. We arrived here in the afternoon after an easy drive from our last stop in Oxford, AL. We then relaxed in the RV and had an excellent shrimp and rice dish Judy cooked for dinner.

We will be here three nights. The plan for tomorrow is sightseeing, There is a lot to do here and hope to get an early start after breakfast. Pictures tomorrow.

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