Saturday, April 14, 2018

Florida Spring Training 2018 - Day 69

Not a lot to report today.  We are staying another day at McConnell AFB in Wichita, KS.

We got out of Lincoln before the snowstorm yesterday and today the strong low pressure area and cold front continue to hammer areas north of us and elsewhere in the midwest and further east.  This deep low pressure area has a strong pressure gradient causing high counter clockwise winds over a large area as it moves eastwards.

The result of this storm where we are is no rain/snow but cold temperatures and high winds.  The temperature yesterday was 74 degrees,  The high today was 40 degrees.  The winds today were also 30-35 mph sustained with gusts up to 50 mph. This is North Dakota weather for sure and very unseasonable, even for here.

The highlight of the day besides avoiding getting blown over while walking, was doing the laundry.  I also made a quick visit to the BX and Commissary for a few things.

The forecast is forto be better tomorrow as the wind subsides.  We are heading south to Oklahoma City then west on I-40 towards home.

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