Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Arizona Trip - Day 2

As forecast, a pretty good rainstorm came through the area last night with lots of rain and high winds.  It was virtually clear when we got up this morning however, and remained partly cloudy, but cool (50's) throughout the day.

We had some time before Judy's medical appointments this afternoon so we decided to look around San Rafael for a new hanging lamp for the living room/dining area at home . We found one we both liked at Lamps Plus and ordered it for delivery when we return from the trip.

After lunch at a favorite BBQ restaurant nearby, we headed for UCSF in San Francisco for Judy's monthly blood test and bone strengthener infusion.  All the blood tests were normal and everything looks good.  Judy was also able to confirm her appointments through the end of September which will allow for better scheduling of upcoming Summer activities.

We met Kevin for dinner at another of our favorite restaurants in Sausalito and we returned to the RV and went to bed early.  We are on the road tomorrow, heading for Lemoore Naval Air Station near Fresno on our way to the Phoenix area.  The weather forecast looks pretty good all the way to Phoenix, but we may be dodging scattered showers along the way.

Day 2 Pictures

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