Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Arizona Trip - Day 1

We got underway on schedule at 9:00 am this morning and almost made it out of the driveway without incident.  While going up the driveway I scraped the right rear tire against the edge of the retaining wall.  It punctured the tire causing it to deflate.  It was not really noticeable while driving however since there are two tires on each of the rear wheels.  As we came into Auburn a motorist caught our attention and told us we had a flat tire.  Luckily there was a tire shop right up the road and they were able to quickly replace the tire.  After an hour delay we were on the road again and arrived at the Marin RV Park in Greenbrae about 2:00 pm without further incident.

The weather is cool and overcast and rain is expected tonight.  We were planning to go out to dinner with Kevin tonight, but he is home sick with the flu.  We are still going out to a nearby restaurant then back to the RV before the rain starts.

Judy has two medical appointments in San Francisco tomorrow and we leave on Thursday morning for the Phoenix area.  There will be two stops along the way: Lemoore Naval Air Station near Fresno on Thursday night and Palm Desert on Friday night.

Day 1 Pictures

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