Sunday, March 10, 2013

Arizona Trip - Day 6

We slept in this morning and didn't have to move the clocks ahead because we did so when we entered Arizona and crossed into the Mountain Time Zone. Since Arizona doesn't adopt Daylight Saving Time, no additional time changes are required.

We spent most of the day getting set-up and fixing a few little things around the RV.  We also got the VW washed (it was very dirty), had lunch at Carl's Junior, and got a few supplies at Safeway. Judy also did the laundry.  Interestingly, this laundry has a fairly large communal clothesline that appears to be heavily used.  This is the first such thing we have seen on our travels.  I guess the attraction of quick drying in the dry desert air and the ability to save $.25 per dryer load, as well no inhibitions about drying your underwear in public appeals to many of the people staying here.

We also looked around the park to get oriented and met a few of the neighbors.  One lives with his wife in a converted single-wide trailer that is their winter home (November-April).  Their home is in Minnesota and have owned their trailer here for 17 years.  The couple right behind us are from Thunder Bay, Ontario and also just arrived yesterday.  They just spent a month in Tucson and will be staying here for two months. 

There are spaces open in the park and there is no one in the space next to us on one side.  The sites are nice - level gravel to park the RV and a concrete patio and parking space for the VW. So far, we are impressed with the park.  It appears to be well managed and maintained and the management and staff all seem very friendly.  The huge size of the park can be intimidating however.  After doing the laundry, Judy got somewhat disoriented in finding her way back to the RV. (There are no street signs at any of the intersections and it was getting dark..) After asking a couple of people where site B37 might be without results, she called me and a rescue effort was successfully accomplished.

After dinner tonight we are going  to go through all the travel material we have for the area and make plans for our activities while we are here.  Right now, all we have scheduled are 2 baseball games and meeting friends for a 3rd game and dinner afterward.  We have a pretty good list of what we want to do so we should be fairly busy.  So, no firm plans just yet for tomorrow, but we will be doing something interesting (at least to us).

Day 6 Pictures 

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