Monday, March 25, 2013

Arizona Trip - Day 21

Today we visited the Reagan Museum and Library in Simi Valley,  It is located about 30 minutes West of where we are staying in Northridge. The library and museum sits on top of a mountain peak with a spectacular view of the valley in all directions.  The displays are excellent and the buildings and surrounding grounds are well designed and maintained.

Regardless of whether you liked Reagan or not or if you don't believe in his Conservative philosophy of economic freedom, smaller government, fewer regulations, fewer taxes and a strong national defense, the museum and library is worth visiting.  It is an excellent documentation of a crucial period of American History during his two terms of office as the 40th President of the United States from 1981-1989.

After entering through the Main Entrance, you trace his life and events through a number of galleries displaying pictures, videos, quotes, and objects representing each period of his life.
Displays include a full size furnished replica of the White House Oval Office, the Berlin Wall, and actual footage of the assassination attempt on his life in 1981. A highlight of the tour is the Boeing 707 (Air Force One) used by President Reagan and seven other Presidents.  The plane was disassembled in 2001, brought to the site in pieces and reassembled while the building where it is now located was built around it. After restoration and completion of the building where it is displayed, It was opened to the public in 2005.

We had a a nice lunch at the museum cafe with a spectacular view of the surrounding area.  After lunch, we finished the tour and headed back to the RV at 2;00 pm.  After resting a bit, we went over to our friends' house about a mile from the RV Park to visit and have dinner.  Lorraine, Judy's first college roommate at Penn State is married to Bob Joyce, also a Penn State graduate and a retired engineer from Northrup.  We had a nice visit and a great dinner and were back in the RV by 8:30 pm.

We will visit the Getty Center Museum in Santa Monica tomorrow to see a Vermeer Painting, the Woman in Blue Reading a Letter, on loan from the Rijksmuseum in Holland.  We will then head for home on  Wednesday.

Day 21 Pictures

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