Sunday, March 24, 2013

Arizona Trip - Day 20

We had a relatively short 3-hour drive today from the RV Park in Indio to the RV Park in Northridge.  There was no wind and the only excitement was maneuvering through the Sunday rush hour traffic in the Northern LA Basin into Northridge.

The park where we are staying is O.K. but nothing spectacular.  It is close to the places we are visiting in the next two days however, and there really isn't anything else near by or more convenient.

The plan tomorrow is to visit the Reagan Presidential Library, then have dinner with Bob and Lorraine Joyce who live in Northridge.  Lorraine and Judy were college roommates for their freshman year at Penn State in 1959-1960.  Tuesday, we visit the Getty Museum nearby in Santa Monica, then head home on Wednesday.

Day 20 Pictures

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